Extinction Rebellion (XR) is a global movement dedicated to halting humanity's dangerous path toward climate and ecological crisis. We operate outside traditional political channels, focusing on non-violent direct actions to raise awareness and drive meaningful change in addressing the climate crisis and ecological decline.

XR is decentralized, with no leaders or headquarters, emphasizing collective participation and adherence to non-violence. To join, simply abide by the Demands and Principles and take part with us in innovative and passionate activism.

Established in 2019, Extinction Rebellion Philadelphia (XR Philly) welcomes all who share our concern for the planet. We value contributions from individuals of all backgrounds and abilities, fostering collaboration with local and global allies to amplify our impact.

Interested in joining us? Attend our monthly virtual gatherings to learn more and find your place in our community. With weekly meetings and ongoing activities, there's always a way to get involved. Connect with us today and be part of the solution.