Our allies in the Philadelphia region

All activism begins with neighbors. XR Philadelphia is proud to be allied with these organizations working for social and environmental justice in the Philadelphia region and beyond. Think your group should be on this list, too? Shoot us an email at xrphilly@protonmail.com so we can add you!

“Chester Residents Concerned for Quality Living (CRCQL or “circle”) [is] a grassroots community-led organization leading the environmental justice movement for clean air and healthy communities in Chester City and Delaware County, since 1992.”

Decolonize Philly
“We bring community members together to save the earth and community from injustices. 1/2 direct action 1/2 media - Join Our Community.”

Delaware Riverkeeper Network
“The Delaware Riverkeeper Network champions the rights of our communities to a Delaware River and tributary streams that are free-flowing, clean, healthy, and abundant with a diversity of life.”

Earth Quaker Action Team
“Earth Quaker Action Team is a grassroots, nonviolent action group including Quakers and people of diverse beliefs, who join with millions of people around the world fighting for a just and sustainable economy.”

Fridays for Future Philly
“Inspired by the school strikes of Greta Thunberg, Fridays For Future strives to create a better future for all by advocating for climate justice and action on the climate crisis.”

Peace, Justice, Sustainability NOW
“We advocate for peace AND justice, and a safe, sustainable environment, working in coalition with human rights groups, local sustainability activists, the Black Lives Matter movement and other movements for civil and personal rights […] We are allied with prison reform organizations, gun control groups and.. of course ... members of the Peace Community THROUGHOUT FLORIDA, PENNSYLVANIA and elsewhere as we grow.”

People vs. Fossil Fuels
“People vs. Fossil Fuels is a coalition of over 1,200 groups pressuring President Biden to declare a climate emergency and stop the federal approval of all new fossil fuel projects.”

Philadelphia Orchard Project
“The Philadelphia Orchard Project is a nonprofit organization that plants and supports community orchards in the city of Philadelphia. In partnership with communities, POP envisions urban ecosystems that create beautiful green spaces, connect neighbors, provide hands-on learning experiences, and grow fresh fruit for generations to come.”

Physicians for Social Responsibility PA
“Physicians for Social Responsibility Pennsylvania (PSR PA) professionals champion the health of all communities by advocating for socially and environmentally just actions.” 

Philly Thrive
Philly Thrive is a member-led organization that fought to close the largest oil refinery on the East Coast (and won!) and continues to work to ensure the site’s redevelopment only improves the lives of residents of South Philly, not harms them.

Save the Meadows
“A movement of individuals & groups opposed to the privatization & destruction of South Philly's FDR Meadows to install acres of toxic turf & asphalt.”

Sunrise Movement Philly
“We are the Philadelphia hub of Sunrise Movement, a group of young people dedicated to stopping climate change and winning a Green New Deal that ensures every Philadelphian has access to good jobs, stable housing, clean air and water, and green community spaces.”

Worker’s Voice
“Workers’ Voice / La Voz de los Trabajadores is a revolutionary socialist organization that was founded with the fusion of Socialist Resurgence and Workers’ Voice in March 2022. We publish Workers’ Action newspaper.”